TASSEL 5.0                                 

TASSEL Version 5.0   (Getting Started!)
(Build: February 22, 2025 Requires: Java 1.8)

Tassel 5 Mac OS
Tassel 5 Windows 64 Bit
Tassel 5 Windows 32 Bit
Tassel 5 UNIX
Alignment Viewer Image

TASSEL Version 5.0 Standalone
(GBS Pipeline V2 - Preferred Version)

Using Git - Recommended!
Download ("Tags" are Versions)

Archived Versions of TASSEL

Linkage Disequilibrium Display Image

TASSEL Documentation

Tassel 5.0 User's Guide
R front-end for TASSEL (rtassel)
Tassel 5.0 Youtube Tutorials
Tassel Tutorial Data
GBSv2 Test Data .tar .zip
GBS Test Data
Visit Tassel User Group
Tassel 5.0 Change History
Tassel 5.0 Wiki
GNU Lesser General Public License

Manhattan Plot Image

TASSEL Pipeline Documentation

Tassel 5.0 Pipeline Document
Tassel 5.0 GBS Pipeline v2 Document
Tassel Pan-genome Atlas (PanA) Pipeline
Tassel 5.0 Pipeline Tutorial

TASSEL development has been generously supported by the USDA-ARS and the NSF, as well as free or reduced cost tools including:

Bitbucket (Tassel 5.0)
SourceForge (Tassel 3.0 and 4.0)
IntelliJ IDEA

Genetic Distance Heat Map Image

We recommend first searching the archives and posting
questions on the discussion group

Tassel User Group (tassel@googlegroups.com)

Software Architect
Terry Casstevens (tmc46@cornell.edu)

Analysis Tools / MLM / GLM
Peter Bradbury (pjb39@cornell.edu)

Overall Project Lead
Ed Buckler (esb33@cornell.edu)

Phylogenetic Tree using Archaeopteryx Image

Bradbury PJ, Zhang Z, Kroon DE, Casstevens TM, Ramdoss Y, Buckler ES. (2007) TASSEL: Software for association mapping of complex traits in diverse samples. Bioinformatics 23:2633-2635.

TASSEL is a software package to evaluate traits associations, evolutionary patterns, and linkage disequilibrium. Strengths of this software:

1. It provides a number of new and powerful statistical approaches to association mapping such as a General Linear Model (GLM) and Mixed Linear Model (MLM). MLM is an implementation of the technique which our recently published Nature Genetics paper - Unified Mixed-Model Method for Association Mapping - which reduces Type I error in association mapping with complex pedigrees, families, founding effects and population structure.

2. Ability to handle a wide range of indels (insertion & deletions). Most software package ignore this type of polymorphism, however, in some species (like maize) this is the most common type of polymorphism.